Bible Study Method

For the month of April, I’m doing a 30 day challenge of Scripture sharing to contribute some positivity amidst all the negative news! This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while so I hope y’all will enjoy my adventure!

The longer I spend in Scripture each day makes me notice how much of a self-centered person I am - this may sound negative, but I believe recognizing our true condition is the first step to change and growth. Another aspect that really benefits me is to share my experiences - it keeps me accountable and it helps me remember when I share what God is teaching me!

Many people tell me they feel that they think they're studying the Bible the wrong way or they don’t even know how to start, so here’s my method (it may not work for everyone, but hopefully it’ll give you something to start with):

  1. Begin with prayer. I always pray before I read Scripture and ask God to send His Holy Spirit to help me interpret what I’m about to read, as it’s the Spirit who guides into all truth. I also ask God to give me a genuine desire to understand His Word and to empty my mind of preconceived ideas that will stand in my way of discovering truth. Usually after I’ve studied, I will also pray for God to give me strength to obey His Word, especially when I’ve been convicted that I need to change in some area.

  2. Use the Blue Letter Bible. I use the app and it’s easily my most useful Bible study tool. I mostly use the concordance feature, which gives me biblical meanings of specific words in each verse, and even shows me how to pronounce them in their original language (Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek).

  3. Read the same Bible verse in multiple translations. I study using a King James Version Easy Read Bible, but I often look up the same verses in many other versions (this is very easy to do using the above mentioned Blue Letter Bible app).

  4. Try a Bible study guide or plan. I used to use Bible study guides by Amazing Facts and [truth]LINK before I decided to read the Bible all the way through, one chapter each day. I’m now reading the Bible all the way through for the second time and it’s as if I never read it - God always shows me so many new things, it’s AMAZING.

  5. Always ask three questions. Even if I wake up late and only have time to skim through a chapter, I always ask these questions:

    • What does this passage teach me about God?

    • What does this passage teach me about myself?

    • How can I apply this passage practically to my life?

  6. Compare Scripture with Scripture. The Bible is its own interpreter - don’t get caught up on one verse that confuses you. Ask God to show you other verses that may be relevant to what you’re studying. The Blue Letter Bible is also great for this - it shows you where else in the Bible specific words are found so you can read multiple verses on a particular topic.

  7. Timing. Choose a time when you can study the Bible without being interrupted. First thing in the morning, I drink water and then get straight into Bible study because I feel much more centered after seeking God early (Psalm 63:1) and starting my day in His Word. Also, I find that everything is so quiet and still early in the morning and I can really settle into Scripture without getting distracted by sounds and noises.

Join me on Instagram @sisifriendly, where I’ll be sharing posts and stories of the Scriptures I’m studying using my hashtag #scripturesatsunrise - feel free to tag and hashtag so I can see what God is teaching you!


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